Jan 17, 2009

Help wanted!!! Missing hours!!!!!

I need some sleeping hours
I need studio hours
I really would like to have some relaxing hours
I just need more time and to be less tired..=P

My daughter got the chicken pox =(
She feels so bad and even though she is
Being the cutest through it all
We can’t get more then 30 min. sleep at a time,
I hope this will get better soooooooooooooooon.
Here is her pics – less the a week ago (without the pox =P)

Much love


  1. Those are such cute pics. I'm so sad to hear about your daughter. :( I hope she feels better and you get more sleep. T_T Sometimes it just feels like there is not enough time to do anything...I feel that way today.


Thanks for taking the time to comment!!
I really appreciate it!
Much Love

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